
🤷🏽‍♂️Who are they?

Xwana is a real estate crm application that aims to simplify & streamline the process of real estate management. The client saw a potential gap in the real estate management business and needed a centralized data management software - real estate CRM application specifically designed for customer needs and business peculiarities.

Prospects workflow - kanban.png

🕵‍♀️What they wanted?

The client wanted an intuitive system that would make it easy for anyone to invest in real estate. The main challenge was in navigating different data management channels to find the necessary information for specific deals which was currently stored in different systems like google docs & other softwares. Our client required a CRM software that would organize all the data pleasantly.


👨🏽‍🔬The process and its challenges:

Prospects workflow - kanban.png

Dribbble Shot.png


The UI design process for Xwana included extensive product research, including communicating daily with our clients, exploring competitor products, speaking with customers and multiple ideations to create an application that would streamline the real estate management process. We believe our final output not only made it an easy to use product, but an enjoyable one as well.